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EOS Town Hall - February 25, 2019

Notes Created By: LibertyBlock


  • Continue the discussion around the EOS User Agreement and rally support from international BPs and proxies.

Update from Last Week’s Call

Last week’s topic of discussion was figuring out ways to involve more Chinese BPs, proxies, and constituents in the development process. Yves is currently in China meeting with local BPs discussing support for the EOS User Agreement. Since the last call, efforts have been made to translate future proposals and conversations to Chinese and Korean.

Find the notes from last week’s call here.

Key Takeaways

Can the EOS User Agreement Gain More Votes?

If you add Bitfinex and Huobi votes, we have 93 million votes which represent most of the votes that could occur (110 million voting for top BPs). This is out of a total of 240 million tokens staked for BPs. Bitfinex currently polls users to get their votes out. Huobi says that they would vote but the restrictive parameters set–that exchanges must stake for at least 30 days–makes their participation in voting for the constitution unlikely. It is somewhat safe to assume exchanges will not vote on referendum items.

If exchanges abide by the threshold in the current constitution, there is a minimum of 30 days to pass. Exchanges might believe they need to stake for 30 days but, that is not necessary. Putting it up for multisig and having people vote would streamline the referendum passing process.

What do we do to get more active token holders?

EOS is currently at 25% voter engagement (266 million tokens) and with 13.8 million votes, the EOS User agreement is supported by 20% of active voters. The number is even higher when exchanges aren’t factored in. In the long-run, basing decisions around empirical evidence (active token holder signals) rather than arbitrary parameters set at launch might be a better path to follow.

Should BPs be politicized?

“For delegated proof of stake to work you’re not just electing technically brilliant engineers.” – Luke Stokes

Being a BP requires more than technical expertise. With PoW your reputation and trustworthiness aren’t big factors in the ability to support the network. We need proxies to signal to BPs as defined by their responsibility in dPOS. BPs caring about the community and investing value in the network gives a signal to proxies. Brockproxy1 has done a good job of reaching out to BPs to better understand their backgrounds and intentions.

Shifting Opinions as the Network Changes

In the past six months, David’s opinion has gone from believing BPs should stay politically neutral to uptaking elements of leadership. This change is a response to the needs of the network, but we must define when a given referendum can be proposed for implementation.

Open Discussion Topics

Voter Proxy Reward Bounty

The goal here is to allow BPs to run full history nodes without exhausting their resources. The bounty rewards have enabled LibertyBlock and EOSRIO to move forward and submit proposals. Gathering the proxies together to be able to signal votes spurs action in lieu of a worker proposal system. Engineering and development efforts need to be incentivized so platforms such as this can improve network conditions.

Full History Plugin

Michael Yates put out “firehose,” a state history plugin to get real-time information. This is the direction that most applications and systems are moving toward. Once other solutions become available in the ecosystem, a need to demonstrate how newer solutions are more efficient and effective will arise. EOSWeekly’s video did a great job outlining the issue surrounding full history nodes. That said, they stated there are only five BPs running full history nodes. It’s not entirely accurate because EOSAsia, OracleChain, and other Chinese block producers are running full history nodes.

Another issue is that different history solutions return different data. EOSNation BP validator has a mark that tells developers which type of history they are running which gives developers a better user experience by providing clear direction on which format to use.

Action Items

  • The group is reaching out to mainnet BPs and proxies to rally support for the EUA.

  • Edit the Block Producer Guide that was proposed during last week’s call.

Next Week’s Call

  • The EUA will be the topic of discussion and EOSAmsterdam will share their perspective as supporters of the EOS Community Constitution.


A special thank you to:

  • Kedar Iyer and Timothy Lewis — LibertyBlock

  • The Cybercode Twins — shEOS

  • Luke Stokes— eosDAC

  • Kevin Rose — EOS New York

  • Thiago Canellas—EOSRIO

  • Yves La Rose — EOS Nation
